Photo-album: Miss Ellie, Jock and Clayton
Jock - Miss Ellie and Jock
I Wonder... Is Bobby really Dead?
Miss Ellie, Jock, Lucy and Gary
Miss Ellie
No Letter of Gary Today...
Thinkin' about my Boys...
Happy Days
Miss Ellie and Clayton
Nice Pie, Grandma!
Donna Reed's Ellie and Clayton
Jock and JR
Crying over John Ross
Jock's Painting (as seen in the movies)
Donna Reed's Miss Ellie
Jock Ewing
This Boy is Mine!
Poor Dear!
This Boy is also Mine!
Miss Ellie, JR and Bobby
Watch It Boy!
Jock and Ray Krebbs
Miss Ellie and Gary
Clayton and Jessica Montford
Father and Son Farlow